Your Trusted Electrical Provider Servicing All of California

At Electric Network, we are your go-to source for a wide range of electrical solutions. With over 25 years dedicated to California, we have earned a reputation for excellence and reliability. Explore the core services that set us apart.

Enhancing Your Home's Electrical Power

As a homeowner, you rely on a safe and efficient electrical system to power your daily life. Over time, electrical demands can change, and older main panels may struggle to keep up with modern requirements. That's where Electric Network comes in, offering expert Main Panel Upgrades to meet your evolving energy needs.

The Importance of Main Panel Upgrades
Your main electrical panel is the heart of your home's electrical system. It's responsible for distributing power to all the circuits in your house. If it's outdated or insufficient, you may face several issues, including:
  • Overloading: Older panels might not handle today's electrical demands, leading to frequent circuit overloads and tripped breakers.
  • Safety Concerns: Outdated panels may not meet current safety standards, increasing the risk of electrical fires and hazards.
  • Limited Capacity: If you plan to add new appliances or expand your living space, your current panel might not have the capacity to support these changes.

Efficient Power Distribution

Efficiently distributing power throughout your property is crucial for its smooth operation. Our experts specialize in electrical panel installation and replacement, ensuring a reliable and organized electrical system.

We offer:
  • Custom Design: Electrical panel solutions tailored to your property's unique layout and electrical demands.
  • Upgrades and Replacements: Whether you need a new electrical panel installation or an upgrade to an existing one, we have you covered.
  • Efficiency: Our installations enhance power distribution efficiency, minimizing the risk of electrical issues.

Count on us to optimize your electrical infrastructure for improved functionality and safety.

Modernize Your Electrical System

Is your electrical panel outdated, unsafe, or in need of an upgrade? Our skilled technicians specialize in electric panel replacements, ensuring your electrical system is up to code, safe, and capable of meeting your power demands.

Trust us for:
  • Safety Assessment: Identifying potential hazards or deficiencies in your existing panel.
  • Up-to-Code Upgrades: Bringing your electrical panel up to the latest safety and code requirements.
  • Custom Solutions: Tailoring our services to meet your specific power demands, now and in the future.

Upgrade your electrical panel with precision and attention to detail, ensuring a safer and more efficient power supply.
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Enhance Your Power Capabilities

As electrical demands continue to evolve, it's essential to upgrade your main electrical panel to meet modern power requirements. We offer main panel upgrades in various amperage capacities, including 100, 125, 200, 225, 320, and 400 amps.

Our expertise ensures that your electrical system can handle your energy needs efficiently and safely.

Benefit from:
  • Assessment: Evaluating your current electrical system to determine the appropriate amperage capacity.
  • Customization: Designing upgrades that match your specific electrical demands, whether for residential or commercial use.
  • Efficiency: Improving the reliability and efficiency of your electrical system with our upgrades.

Choose Electric Network in California for all of your Central Valley and California electrical needs to enhance your property's power capabilities while maintaining the highest safety standards.

Your Trusted Electrical Partner
At Electric Network, we take immense pride in delivering high-quality electrical and solar solutions. Our commitment to safety, efficiency, and customer satisfaction sets us apart. Whether you require solar panel installations, subpanel work, electrical panel replacements, or main panel upgrades, our team is here to provide expert solutions.

Ready to take the next step? Contact us today to discuss your electrical needs, schedule a consultation, or request a quote.

Let us be your trusted partner in powering your property safely, efficiently, and sustainably.